September 23, 2016
'Those who don't believe in magic will never find it'
Roald Dahl
The 100-Day Journal has a simple, intuitive format that you follow for 100 days.
100 days to unplug and reconnect to yourself. 100 days to build your gratitude muscle. 100 days to inch yourself closer to making that dream a reality. 100 days to transform yourself.
Why 100 days?
There is something magical about 100 days. 100 days is the perfect length to internalize a new behavior and make it a new habit.
According to a recent study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, developing a relatively simple habit, like eating a piece of fruit with lunch or taking afteen minute run each day, takes over two months of daily repetitions to become a habit. Although the average was 66 days, there was a lot of variation (anywhere from 18 days up to 254 days), both among people (some people are more habit-resistant) and among habits (some habits take longer to form than others).
(1)What this research tells us, is that 100 days should be long enough for you to pick up the habit of keeping this journal. It’s also short enough not to cause you panic at the idea of having to keep up with this journal forever. Besides, remember that incredibly satisfying feeling you get from finishing a book? A project? A good run?
You will experience the same sensation while keeping this journal. It’s an exciting challenge you know you can finish.
Hundreds of millions of people around the world managed to hold themselves accountable and committed to a new habit or a lifestyle change. A simple Google search leads you to tons of pages where people just like you share how they are challenging themselves to squat for 100 days, to practice yoga for 100 days, to eat clean for 100 days, to meditate for 100 days, and so on.
You will be completely blown away by what 100 days can do for you and your life. You will experience a total shift in how you think and feel, and what actions you undertake. In 100 days you will reconnect with yourself and have thoughts and feelings that you haven’t had for a long time. Each passing day will inch you closer to becoming the best version of yourself.Enough said. 100 days. This journal. That’s the plan.